Scientific Meeting for "Metal" Scientists

Dear Colleagues,

we wish all of you a happy New Year 2022 full of exciting scientific discoveries!

We are pleased to announce that the registration for the joint meeting of 36th GMS, 7th ISZB, TEMA17 and 13th ISTERH – the International Conference of Trace Elements and Minerals 2022 (ICTEM) will open on January 19. We are looking forward to hosting an interesting, inspiring meeting, and having all of you here!

The on-site conference will take place in the beautiful city of Aachen. Included in the registration fee is a guided tour through the historical city center, a trip to the “Dreiländereck” where Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany meet, a concert in the historical cathedral, and a gala dinner (all based on availability, spots are limited, first come – first served). Some impressions of Aachen can be found here.

On our homepage you can find a preliminary program, some further information regarding the conference, and the link for the registration homepage. You can also book your accommodation via the registration homepage. However, you can of course arrange your stay by yourself. Please note: At present you need a “2G” (vaccinated or recovered) certificate for the stay and the entry to the conference site. Please check new regulations for the entry to Germany regularly.

Furthermore, we are happy to announce that the submission for the ICTEM Conference Special Issues in the Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology and in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences is now open! Further information will follow here.

We hope to welcome many of you here after the long period of online meetings!

Best regards,


Lothar Rink

On behalf of the ICTEM organizing committee

On site and Web meeting are scheduled.